The Fit2Fat2Fit Experience

EP017: Having a Silly Side can Help Us Cope as Survivors with Sarah Plummer

Hello. Hi everybody and welcome to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I'm your host, drew Manning and I'm your cohost when nanny and we were coming straight at you guys from the Island of Hawaii. Thank you guys so much for joining us on today's episode. We appreciate you guys being a part of this podcast. On today's episode you guys, we have an amazing guest. Her name is Sarah plumber. She's actually an old high school mate of mine from Centerville high school out in Virginia. And I brought her on to share her story. She has such an amazing story. She, um, is an ex Marine who, uh, went through some sexual abuse and her story made national headlines, uh, to hopefully help change the way the reporting is set up in the military when sexual abuse happens. And so she's a voice for change, for change, for the better. She's the voice for resilience to, I mean, this is a woman who's had...

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EP015: Simple Scientific Steps to Allow Your Body to Heal Itself

 what's up everybody and welcome to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I'm your host, drew Manning and I'm your cohost Lynn Manning. Thank you guys so much for joining us today on the podcast today. We have an awesome episode with Sean Stevenson who is our friend but really quick. Shawn Stevenson is the bestselling author and creator of the model health show, which has been number one on iTunes in health and fitness before probably one of my very first health and fitness podcasts that I started listening to, which kind of may be interested in starting my own podcast. So I have Sean to thank for that, but Sean has a background and biology and kinesiology and has given a Ted talk as well and is very well known in the health and fitness industry as a great public speaker and he has the best voice in the podcast. It does. I mean you can listen to him for hours. He is literally the...

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EP014: It Doesn’t Matter Where You’ve Been, it Only Matters Where You are Going with Shaun T

Hello. Hi everybody and welcome to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I'm your host, drew Manning. Thank you guys so much for joining us today on the fit to fat to fit experience podcast today. We have an amazing episode with Shawntee from insanity. Everybody knows who Shawn is. He, he's a very successful entrepreneur who has built a brand around his fitness DVDs. He has his own fitness podcast, super inspiring guy. And you guys are honestly going to love this, this episode because he is so open and vulnerable during this episode. You guys, you really get to know him and, and feel how genuine he is in today's episode. We cover things like him growing up, being sexually abused as a kid and how that affected him and has actually helped him and made him stronger. He opens up about being a proud, openly gay married man and he's happy with who he is and you can feel it in his voice....

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EP013: Words have Power, so Talk Nicely to Yourself with Simply Sadie Jane

FIT2FAT2FIT EXPERIENCE PODCAST EPISODE 13 With Sadie Sabin Intro: Drew: Aloha and welcome to the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast. We are coming to you straight from the big island of Hawaii, Kona. It's a pleasure to be here. I am your host, Drew Manning. Lynn: And I am your co-host, Lynn Manning. Drew: Today's episode is going to be a great one, with Simply Sadie Jane. That is her social media name. Sadie Sabin. Lynn: Sadie, how do you pronounce your last name? Drew: I think it's 'Say-ben'? But it's funny, because when you know someone on Instagram, you go by their Instagram. 'Oh, you are Fit2Fat2Fit', no actually my name is Drew Manning. But anything is fine, same thing with Simply Sadie Jane. She's awesome, she's a self made entrepreneur. She started out with a blog, just a family blog that has turned into a fitness blog. It's turned into a full time thing. She quit her full time job...

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EP012: Using Exercise to Clear Your Mind with Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad

Hello. Hi everybody and welcome to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I'm your host, drew Manning and I'm your cohost Lynn Manning. Thank you guys so much for joining us on today's episode. Now today we have a special unique episode. Most of the time we talk about health and fitness. We talked about, you know, losing weight and transformation and helping people overcome those types of hurdles. But today we have a special episode that we want to talk to you guys about and we are bringing on Tim Ballard from operation underground railroad, which is a nonprofit organization that basically it goes out and rescues child sex slaves all over the world. This is something that we kind of went back and forth on having the Tim on because it's not fitness related, but we're passionate about what their mission is and what they do and all of the good that they provide. Rescuing children from...

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