Many people think of getting fit or weight-loss as a purely physical thing, but Drew reminds us of the mental and emotional challenges, which can be the toughest part of the journey. Our guest, Simply Sadie Jane shares with us the best fitness advice she ever received, a daily affirmation that helped her attain her goal. She also opens up about her experiences of being a heavier person for most of her life and how she was able to overcome her previous habits to become the satisfied, fit person she is today.


Key Takeaways:

[5:06] Sadie started the blog because she was inspired by the women she was helping

[8:45] I wanted to be healthy for my kids so I changed my nutrition

[12:33] Doctors and nurses can be really unhealthy

[15:06] I realized there was no balance and that you need to let stuff go if you can’t get it done

[18:22] I used Crossfit to get the most out of my body, now we have one in our garage

[21:09] Craigslist is a great place to find used exercise equipment

[25:37] Start improving your Crossfit forms at home, which will make it easier when you get to the gym

[27:22] We work out at home and at the gym

[30:41] Stop saying you are going to start over and just take it one day at a time

[33:13] The best advice Sadie ever received was a mantra

[37:00] Positive affirmations are NOT just for women

[39:06] The Lightning Round! Channing Tat-YUM

[47:48] Being the heavy cheerleader was tough, so I wouldn’t want to go back

[49:17] Contact information for Simply Sadie Jane



Hylete Fitness Apparel – Up to 50% off

Dollar Workout Club

Xcel Fitness – Holiday


Simply Sadie Jane








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