Drew survived Yurt camping! But a week of adventure brought its own unique challenges to Drew’s Back2Fit journey. On this episode of the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast, Drew recaps the last three weeks, including the challenges that camping brought. Drew discusses the difficulty in maintaining a fitness routine during an irregular weekly schedule, how to combat cravings, how to kick peer pressure to the curb, and why you shouldn’t get bogged down by the numbers in your fitness journey. Finally, Drew discusses the upcoming month of healthy alternative diets – not Keto – and what he is looking forward to regarding trying all of these diets for a second time.
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[06:18] Drew gives a brief overview of the last three weeks, the difficulties that he faced while camping, and how he combatted the problems that he faced.
[10:02] Drew’s biggest cravings so far, and what he did to keep peer pressure at bay.
[12:20] Drew’s surprising physical results, and why you shouldn’t get attached to the numbers in your fitness journey.
[14:55] What Drew is looking forward to in the next month of his journey.
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Greatest Day Mindset Focus Journal — By increasing your FOCUS, direction, and by being intentional, your days are sure to feel more purposeful. The FOCUS Journal is designed to guide you and help create lasting change by assisting you to become more mindful of your inner power. Follow the link to purchase the journal that aids drew through the mental and emotional side of his journey!
Complete Wellness Supplements — Shop Drew’s hand-formulated, high-quality, pre-workout greens, Keto Meal Replacement with grass-fed collagen, MCT Oil soft-gels, and more.
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Email Drew: info@fit2fat2fit.com