Respect, and
LOVE Yourself!
My step-by-step guide for your journey to self-love, healing, and living an authentic life.
Of Americans have never called themselves happy
Of People Struggle with self love
Anxiety and Depression rate increase since 2020
Of Americans received mental health treatment last year

You are allowed to love yourself
There are so many self-help books and podcasts out there that tell us that self-love is the key to healing, and personal growth, but nobody tells you HOW to achieve it, until now.
This program is a step by step guide on how to achieve self-love . It uses journaling prompts, meditations, activities, group support, and stories from my life to guide you through every step of your journey.
Clarify your thoughts and feelings
Feel a sense of calm and peace
Support Group
Grow through shared experiences
Feel energized, cared, and contented
Discover how much there is to love about yourself using The Soul’s Evolution, a practical step-by-step guide on self-love healing, and living an authentic life.
In each section of the program, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery where you will learn about yourself and your inherent self-worth. Immerse yourself in activities that help build your self-esteem and improve your relationships.
Live a life full of purpose, confidence, and self-love with The Soul’s Evolution!

My self-love journey began when, at 35, I found myself twice divorced, lost, and in need of deep healing. It became abundantly clear that I had some unhealthy patterns. It was time for a life overhaul. I spent the first two years after my divorce diving into countless self-help books and podcasts, as well as attending therapy. I was making great progress. Then the pandemic hit, and all of that progress went out the window.
During the worst parts of the early pandemic, I hit a new low. That rock bottom was the birthplace of my self-love program. One day I was driving my daughter to school and I heard the one line in a podcast that changed my life. “What would you choose if you loved yourself the most?” It was such an intuitive bolt that I sat in silence for the rest of the drive home. I realized that self-love is the key to everything and that every book and therapist tells us that we need it, but no one tells you exactly how to get it.
That night I started writing. I was determined to figure it out. I knew I had the tools and knowledge, so I started creating and doing this program for myself, and over a year later, here we are. I love myself. Fully and without reservation. A single, overweight, twice-divorced mom, working two jobs, living in poverty, with no prospects in either career or romance, learned self-love. And if I can do it, anyone can.
Drew’s Story
This was an intense and beautiful program, a deep dive into Self~Love that was an invitation for honesty, vulnerability, and introspection.
The program is very thoughtfully curated, mindful, raw, powerful, and impactful. This is a perfect catalyst on any healing journey. The benefits and ripple effects are still unfolding.
I really enjoyed this program. It provided me good tools to go inside and process and reflect. Tasha’s stories were engaging and interesting.
Her vulnerability created a space that gave me the opportunity to really open my own heart, share and reflect. The online group was fantastic offering love and support to one another.
This program is good for those just starting their self love journey as well as those that are well on their path. Its a great reminder to look inside and connect with ourselves
-Erin N.
Everyone has heard that self-love and living authentically is the key to happiness and improving all areas of our lives. But, knowing HOW to get there has always been the problem.
Tasha’s program provides a solution with step by step activities designed to break through layers of pain, insecurity, false beliefs and help you come to a place of growth, acceptance, vulnerability and authenticity.
Everyone should take time for this program to work on themselves. It’s the best investment you could ever make towards your happiness and success
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