The Fit2Fat2Fit Experience

EP006: Extreme Weight Loss – Creating the Show with Executive Producer Matt Assmus

FIT2FAT2FIT EXPERIENCE PODCAST EPISODE 6 With Mark Assmus Intro: Drew: Aloha everybody and welcome to the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast. I'm your host, Drew Manning. Lynn: And I am your co-host, Lynn Manning. Drew: Thank you guys so much for joining us today. Today we have an awesome episode ahead of us. We are interviewing the Executive Producer of the TV show, Extreme Weight Loss. Now we had Chris and Heidi Powell on a few weeks ago, who are the hosts of the show. We wanted to have the Executive Producer Matt on, to talk about the behind the scenes stuff that no one really sees. The things that go on with the show and how that applies to health and fitness and you, the listener. Let's go hang out with Matt. Drew: Alright. Matt Assumus, thank you so much for joining us today on our Podcast. It's a pleasure to have you. Matt: You bet. Drew: Now, really quick, I do have to ask this....

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EP005: A Wake Up Call from his Doctor Led Kevin Curry to his New Fit Life

Hello and welcome everybody to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I'm your host, drew Manning and today we have an awesome show that we have for you with Kevin Curry from fitment, it's going to be such a great episode and we'll get into the details of what we're going to talk about, but first our show sponsor quest, you guys, we couldn't be happier with quest nutrition as our show sponsor. Why? Because we already use their product and we actually love their product and it's so appropriate to cause. Kevin Curry actually uses their products as well. He travels around with them sometimes to their events. He loves their products as much as we do. Exactly and it's appropriate also because listening to this episode, you're guaranteed to be hungry afterwards, so it's a perfect time for a quest bar. The biggest thing that we love about them is the convenience and...

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EP004: Finding Joy in Working Out with Cassey Ho, One of the Top 25 Fitness Influencers in the World

[inaudible]. Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode of the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I'm your host, drew Manning, and I'm your cohost Lynn Manning. Thank you guys for joining us today. We have an awesome episode with the amazing Cassey ho from blog [inaudible] dot com I love, we all love her. She's a, she's amazing. This is such an awesome episode. We kind of talk about her body shaming video that went viral on YouTube. We talk to her about how she became like blog [inaudible] and her brand and also a bit of background on her entrepreneurial career and how she's become so successful. We even talk about her boyfriend, which this is the first time ever she's ever revealed to anybody who her boyfriend is and what he does and she says she's never talked about him publicly before. We've met him a couple of times. He's so nice. He's an awesome guy and of course we talk...

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EP002: The Courage It Takes to Truly Transform – The Chris Powell Interview

Intro: Drew: What's up everybody? Thanks so much for listening to the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast. I am your host, Drew Manning. Lynn: And I am your cohost, Lynn Manning. Drew: Thank you guys so much for joining us today. Today we have such an awesome, amazing Podcast for you guys. We are interviewing the one and only Chris Powell today. We are super stoked for this episode and I think you guys will really enjoy it. Chris Powell is from the hit TV show on ABC, Extreme Weight Loss. In todays episode, we get into some very interesting topics with Chris. For example, I bet a lot of you guys didn't know he was broke at one point in time and living out of his car before he became the host of this extremely successful TV show. Lynn: Yeah, such a humble guy. Drew: Exactly. So, we talk about his story, of how he went from broke and living out of his car to now all of a sudden they are on...

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EP003: Heidi Powell – A Down to Earth Super-friend You Want As Your Trainer

Intro: Drew: Aloha everyone and welcome to the Fit2Fat2Fit Experience Podcast, I'm your host, Drew Manning. Lynn: And I'm your co-host, Lynn Manning. Drew: Thank you guys so much for joining us today. We have an awesome Podcast with Heidi Powell today. Heidi Powell, the wife of Chris Powell, from the hit TV show on ABC called Extreme Weight Loss. On today's episode we cover a lot of deep topics with her. She actually opens up about her eating disorder, on a very personal deep level. She talks about what she learned from that, how she teaches her kids healthy eating habits, because she started when she was a kid with her eating disorders. Now her daughters are around that age, we talk to her about that. Also, how she balances both a crazy busy career with her family life. We even get into talking to her about what her biggest pet peeve is with Chris, which is hilarious. You guys are...

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