What’s up everybody, and welcome to the fit to fat to fit experience podcast. I’m your host, drew Manning. Thank you guys so much for tuning in today. Uh, I’ll be flying solo today. We have a special guest from the UFC. You guys, none other than Charlie Brennaman, AKA the Spaniard. So interview that are UFC fans. I know who this is. I’m so excited and honored to have this guy on. He’s a second UFC fighter to come on. I think I should start a trend here. I’m going to start bringing on UFC fighters onto the podcast. Um, for all you ladies out there, there are still a lot of lessons that can be learned. Um, Charlie is a, is a dad and he has a daughter. Uh, he’s married. Um, and so he brings a lot of the family aspect into this, uh, interview. So what we do is we dive into, um, obviously his career as an MMA fighter, him growing up as a wrestler, how he transitioned from wrestling to MMA.

We talked about his wrestling days and how that affected his relationship with food and uh, both good and bad ways. And then we dive into nutrition as a UFC athlete and where he’s at now, some tips and tricks that he, uh, has used over the years to help him overcome some obstacles and some of his daily routines. And I even introduced them to the spinach shake recipe, which he, uh, is, was definitely excited about. So we’ll see if, um, he implements that into his lifestyle. Charlie, the Spaniard Brennaman, he’s a professional mixed martial arts fighter, speaker, mentor, and author. Following a success, uh, following a successful high school wrestling career, Charlie took his house to Lockhaven university where he achieved a top 12 finish at division one nationals and first team all academic after teaching Spanish for three years and winning spike TV’s, pros versus Joes, Charlie decided to leave his job to pursue a master’s degree and begin his professional fighting career.

The Spaniard was born in 2011. He was ranked as high as number seven in the world. In 2015 he published his autobiography called driven my unlikely journey from classroom to cage. Charlie currently lives in Pennsylvania with his wife and daughter. Okay. Before we jump into today’s episode, today’s episode is brought to you guys by dollar workout club.com. Uh, for those that don’t know what dollar workout club.com is, you know, they’ve been our sponsor for a long time. Now it’s a company that me, Lynn and Natalie Hodson all started. And basically what it is in a nutshell is you pay $1 per week, you get access to five at home workout videos that you can stream to your computer, your laptop, your iPad, your phone, um, and the workouts are 10 to 20 minutes long. And it can be done at any fitness level. You guys beginner and you know, if you haven’t worked out in years or if you’re really overweight or if you’re old and you can’t do a lot of movements, we have that level during the workouts, but we also have advanced, if you’re in good shape and you do P90X and you do insanity, you’re going to be challenged in these workouts.

Um, and so they’re all 10 to 20 minutes long. You also get access to five at home or sorry, five healthy recipe videos and five motivational videos. So that’s 15 videos a week and all you pay just a dollar. There’s no hidden fees, there’s no contracts. Um, it’s just a buck a week for access to high quality content. So it’s super affordable compared to people like daily burn and um, you know, beach body, those subscriptions, you’re paying like 12 to $15 a month. Ours is only a buck a week, you guys. So four bucks a month. So check it out. Dollar workout, club ducks,

come now let’s jump

today’s episode with Charlie Brennaman AKA.

All right, Charlie Brennaman, thank you so much for joining me here on the fit to fat to fit to fat, to fit experience podcast. How you doing today, man? I’ll do it really well. I’m a little stuffy so I apologize for the knees of voice, but otherwise I’m good. Hey, it’s all good man. And you’re cool if I call you Spaniard. Absolutely. I prefer it when I, when I teach or when I do camps, I just tell the kids that my mom named me Spaniard and that’s when Abe, that is so cool man. And what age did you get that nickname? Uh, that, that was given to me by my college wrestling coach. Every summer. I’ll tell you the brief story every summer who do these wrestling camps. And my wrestling coach is a super funny guy, funniest, top three favorite people in my life.

Uh, but he would give us all nicknames and I had long curly hair at that point. I hadn’t quite had a ponytail, but it was on its way and he started calling me, calling me Antonio Banderas. Oh no. Yeah. And uh, you know what I tell that story. Kids don’t laugh, but older people are like, nah, like, yeah. All right, I see it. And then little by little that wasn’t so tough. So he morphed it into the Spaniard. That is cool, man. Now I kind of get that too. Sometimes people are like, Oh man, you look like that one guy from dodgeball. I’m like, Ben Stiller. They’re like, yeah, like zoo Lander. They asked me to do blue steel and Magnum and it’s kind of funny. So I can kind of relate to that man. Uh, but anyways, man, thank you so much for coming on.

I really appreciate you. Um, so this is, you are my second UFC guest on and I’m honored man cause I’m a big fan. I love what you do and I have a lot of respect for what you do. Um, and so I kind of want to jump into you as a wrestler because I can relate to that. I grew up wrestling since I was a little kid in high school, a little bit in college, kind of shifted over to football. But um, you, how, what age did you start wrestling at? I started wrestling when I was eight years old. Um, and I, I tell this story a lot when I speak, but you know, when I was a kid it was something that was, it was kind of bred into me. You know, my, my dad was arrest or my uncle was a state champion.

He rested at Penn state university. So it was something that from a young age I was introduced to. And you know, probably when I was about maybe eight, nine, 10, uh, you know, my parents didn’t necessarily pull me aside and say this, but in their actions, they said basically if you commit yourself 100% to academics and athletics, and for me that was wrestling, then we’ll you in everything that you do. And that was kinda like the, the, the unwritten rule when I was growing up, you know, they weren’t, they weren’t riding me to get a job. It’s like you get up in the morning, you bust your butt, you go to school, you trade up to school, you know, we’ll take care of the rest. That is awesome. And that is great. And here’s one of the things I kind of felt, uh, that I learned from wrestling.

Like first of all, wrestling was one of the hardest things physically and mentally I’ve done in my life. Even to this day. I mean, maybe other than fit to fat to fit. That was crazy too. But wrestling was so much harder than football was like, I thought football was a breeze. But what wrestling did for me is it made other obstacles in my life easier because I knew I could get through. If I could get through a wrestling practice, I could get through almost anything. Do you feel like that was the same way for you? It kind of taught you a lot of life lessons. Absolutely. I mean, yeah, we could, I could give you a thousand life lessons I learned from it now, but I’ll just give you a small example. So whenever I graduated from college and my wrestling career was over and you know, I, I got a job teaching Spanish back in by, Oh yeah, that’s where spanner comes from too.

I was a Spanish teacher. I forgot about that little tidbit. But, uh, you know, I remember sitting, sitting at work the first day and, and you know, I, I in the faculty room you would hear other teachers complain about different things. And I remember, you know, I was sitting at my desk and I remember thinking, you’re telling me that I can sit here and drink water all day? Like that’s it. I can just drink water. There’s lots of listen, easy to stay over and done in my life. So yeah, it was just the, the appreciation of simple things really stuck with me. That’s really interesting. Did you ever have a love hate relationship with wrestling? Uh, where you’re like, man, I hate this, but then at the end of the day, you loved it. It was, it was kind of a hate, I hate hate relationship to be honest, but, uh, no.

I mean, I loved it at the core. Obviously I wouldn’t have done it. But when that really, really rang true is when I was done with college. You know, when I was done with college and I went back home to central Pennsylvania and I got a job teaching Spanish and I was coaching wrestling. I, you know, when I, when that last nationals, when I lost my last match, I basically threw my hands up and said, come on pizza, come on Pepsi. I’m going to get fat, let’s go for it. And then, you know, when it was gone, and I tell this, the young athletes all the time, when I talked to him when it was gone, man, that’s all I wanted more than anything. And that’s, I mean that’s a sense of what led me to becoming a professional fighter was was that void. Yeah.

No, I can definitely relate to that. Let me back up a little bit to you as a wrestler and let’s talk about nutrition a little bit because I felt I was the same way where I learned a lot of great things from wrestling. But one of the things I think that came out of it was you’re so deprived of food, at least in the old days, like when I was like, you know, the way to cut weight was okay, you, you restrict calories, you sweat it out, you do whatever it takes to lose the weight. And I think I had kind of developed an unhealthy relationship with food in a way where I was like, as soon as I had the Wayne’s were done, I would stuff my face, you know, as soon as wrestling season was over, I’d stuffed my face. Did you look at

food as fuel only, uh, with your relationship in wrestling? Like what was your view of nutrition and do, has it changed over the years?

Yeah, you know, my, my, my understanding of nutrition, honestly, it started, it really started late in my fighting career and that, you know, that’s talking the last two years. Um, you know, when I was a kid, not even a kid growing up, the high school college, I just looked at it like you said, like it was like a, you know, weigh in, weigh in, weigh in, eat a hokey, eat this, eat that. So it, it certainly wasn’t looked at as fuel. Whereas now it’s like I kind of, I’m not an expert by any means. I’m not certified, but you know, I understand what macronutrients are. I understand what fiber does and insulin and it’s like I had no clue. I didn’t even know what those words were back then. So it was, it was merely a thing that I couldn’t have and then a thing that I totally indulged.

Yeah. And that was all the people in my wrestling squad, like the whole team. We would, you know, we would be starving together, which was kind of cool cause we’re all cutting weight and then we would just like stuff her face and love the food that was in front of us. And then we knew we had to get back to cutting weight again. So you as a coach now, how do you help your kids develop a better relationship with food? Is it different nowadays for kids versus, you know, for me and you back in the day when we were kids wrestling,

you know it’s, I do it in a very um, you know, very user friendly way. I give him like maybe two or three or four, just specific things that Hey, do this every day and it’s going to be much easier. And I mean the, the number one is water. I mean I tell every, everyone, not just wrestlers, anyone but everyone I speak to get yourself a water bottle that makes you feel good right there. Like the water looks all crisp and nice inside the bottle and carry it with you all the time. That’s it. That’s it. Drink it all day. You know that that right there solves a vast majority of the problems.

So you don’t, so you don’t ask them to dehydrate themselves by not drinking the water so they can make what?

No, I mean certainly from a liability standpoint, I certainly do not do that. Well that’s good. You know, honestly I work with more, more, you know, I work with, with wrestlers in a mentor relationship, but in terms of the hand on pads, on coaching, I work with a variety of athletes with strength. In addition to that, can I put training? So the hands on with the wrestlers is, is less and less, but no, absolutely not. I would never have never encouraged that. Well, I think like over, I think,

you know, the way I look at things now nowadays is there’s more of a transition to an understanding of nutrition and how nutrition can actually help you as a fighter, as a wrestler. I mean you look at these UFC athletes and yeah, they have a lot more money than like a high school kid that has just has a coach. And it was like, okay he doesn’t really have the knowledge how to help these kids. But I think it’s kind of the knowledge is trickling down to these kids nowadays. Like how, how uh, how to fuel your body so you can perform optimally in the ring when you’re wrestling. Uh, cause you see these UFC fighters and they have it down to a science where they can cut, you know, 10, 20 pounds in a matter of days to make the weight and then they get their strength back out.

Cause I was, the one thing I noticed as a wrestler was yeah, you would deprive yourself and then you would have an hour after weigh-ins to stuff your face with as much calories as you could. And then you just, I mean, for me, I dragged, I mean if I, if I could go back and change it now, I wish I had had a better understanding of nutrition. I wish my coaches did. Um, because I, I could have been so much better, a better athlete. Do you feel like kids nowadays generally have a better understanding of the coaches as well to help their kids out?

Yeah, definitely. And I want to touch on so that we can come back to later. If you were just to point out, you know, you mentioned the UFC fighters and I was a UFC fighter for many years and I can, I was, uh, I would say for much of my career in the UFC, I was about an average in the UFC. I was about average. Uh, and we certainly don’t have, uh, more money than the average kid. Uh, you know, if you’re talking about a, let’s say a kid in high school whose mom’s a teacher and whose dad is a teacher. Yeah. They, you know, they’re, they’re dealing with more money than we work. Cause it’s not all, it’s not, it’s not always sunshine. So, um, but yeah, they, they definitely have more. They, they, they know more about it. Um, and to touch on what you were saying, you know, what I found worked best for me, and this is like against all sets really against all science, against everything.

You know, when I was, especially in college, I remember, you know, we had the one hour way and so I would, you know, start the week probably way in 65 or 70 and then I’d weigh in at one 57 but you know, an hour before we wrestled, I performed best when I didn’t put much back in my body. Right. I just, I, I drank a lot of water, you know, the, the Gatorade would bloat me. I normally had water, I normally had a bagel and then I would perform. And it’s like, how the heck does that even happen? And truly, I don’t know. And with the, with the UFC, you know, we get 24 hour away. And so, you know, we’re able to, for example, I would wake up on a Monday way in one 69, um, and I fought at one 55 and that was nothing because I was super hydrated. I’m drinking two pounds of water a day, a meeting, you know, with all that water intake, I’m not really that hungry. So I’ll have like, you know, salad, eggs, maybe a little piece of chicken for dinner. So I’m getting three meals and then, you know, that 10, 15 pounds comes off and you know, two workouts basically.

Yeah. I know man, things are different nowadays and uh, thanks for correcting me on the whole money thing. I guess what I was trying to say is that the UFC fighters have access to, you know, coaches for the most part, you know, that, you know, knew that, know more about nutrition, help them out with that. But um, that’s great man. That’s actually, that’s a great segue into what I wanted to talk about next was your transition from wrestling to MMA. At what point after your college career did you say, okay, wanna test the waters out as an MMA, and then how was that transition from a wrestler as your

base to all of a sudden learning these other arts? Yeah, that was a perfect transition. It’s, it’s, I mean, we did it listeners, but it’s almost as if I said, Hey, drew, ask me this question. Exactly. You know, I just think we’re a member. So one of my good friends in fighting, uh, is named Frankie Edgar and Frankie was UFC champion and he’s, he’s like, you know, he, he hypothetically could have, could have hopped in for this fight against Conor McGregor, but he didn’t. But I distinctly remember, uh, Frankie Ray, we rested in the same conference in Pennsylvania. We were college. And I distinctly remember in between class when, I ha I was at this point, you know, towards the end of my first year into my second year, I was very restless. I was very, uh, you know, not content. I needed to compete again. And I just sat down in between class and I saw that Frankie had signed to the UFC. And I remember getting into my email and I remember emailing him saying congratulations. And it was just so neat to me. But then as soon as I hit send, it was almost like, dang, maybe I can do that. And that, that was the first seed of, you know what, maybe I’m going to do this. And then, you know, it took, I fought a bunch of amateur fights when I was teaching, so that was kind of fun.

Yeah. Well how, and how was that like as a teacher, did you tell your students, did you hide it from your students? Did you come in with a black guy or like how was it,

you know, I was, I won, I had five amateur fights when I was teaching and I won those fights. So, you know, I didn’t come up with black guys, but you know, the, I put the videos up on YouTube and my, I was very lucky. My, the administration, and I write about this in my book, but the administration was very supportive. They understood. And I had actually had a stint on reality TV when I was coaching or when I was teaching as well. I was on pros versus Joes on spike TV. I remember that man. Yeah, you won that for season one, right? Yeah, yeah. The finale. So that, that, that kinda, the administration kind of started looking at me like, you know, this guy’s a little bit different, you know, we’re going to support what he does. So when I started fighting, you know, they weren’t, I certainly didn’t, you know, bring it up when I didn’t have to bring it up. But it was something that as long as I did my duties as a teacher, they were okay with. It’s funny, man, because like you said, I listened to your episode with rich Franklin. It was awesome. And the move with Kevin James, I thought they had, I forget what, but I mean that, that really was my life. And I know rich has his old story, but I mean, yeah, I walked in on Monday morning with the kids who were bringing the videos up on YouTube and

yeah, it’s just like, just like the movie man, the kids are like, Oh dude, my teacher’s a bad day. Like he, you know, he fights on the weekends. They teaches us, uh, during the week. That’s awesome man. So, okay, so back to your transition, you know, you talk to Frankie acre, planted that seed, and then where did you go from there? Like, did you just like, okay, what was the next step? Did you go find a jujitsu gym or what did you do from there? Yeah,

again, you know, awesome transition. But I did, you know, kids, I get a lot of emails. How’d you do it? How’d you do it? I just that I looked for the closest gym around it. I’m from rural Pennsylvania, right between Philly and Harrisburg, between Philly and Pittsburgh. And there’s not, when I say high level, so I speak as my reference is, is like the best. So when I say I want to train, it’s like I’m going to show you what George, Saint Pierre or I want to Trey with Frankie Edgar. So in Pennsylvania, those guys don’t exist, right? There’s, they’re not, they’re not there and professional fighting. So I found a gym, uh, probably about 45 minutes from my house who had a great, my, my first coaches were tremendous and, and I would just, you know, I teach all day, then I’d drive the 45 minutes a couple of nights a week and I got my feet wet and I had, uh, five amateur fights and you know, it was still muchly at this time I was just wrestling.

I was learning to stand up art, but it’s not something I took to naturally. And, and jujitsu was limited around where I was. So, you know, I was learning it, but mostly I was just relying on my wrestling. And then when I made the decision to leave my teaching job, uh, and moved to Eastern Pennsylvania and then eventually New Jersey, that’s when I really started to learn. And I really started to be around, you know, I trained with Frankie on a regular basis. I trained with another fighter, Eddie Alvarez, uh, on a regular basis. So those guys really, really introduced me to, you know, this is the world of professional fighting.

That is, man, that is so that is so cool to see that transition. And here’s one thing I’ve always noticed as a UFC fan or MMA fan in general is like wrestlers make great MMA fighters. Cause if they have wrestling as the base, they can get away with, you know, their, their weaknesses a little bit. Cause if someone, if you can take someone down and stand on or stand over them and ground and pound them, I mean that’s, that’s a great, um, that’s a great uh, strength to have like as your base. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. So you can, you got away with it in the beginning cause you didn’t have the boxing or jujitsu or the standup game like you, like other people have, but you have the wrestling down. Yep.

Yeah. And that that’s a, you know, it’s like going into a knife, fight with a gun, you know, it’s, it’s just something that wrestling teaches you such and, and I don’t say this and another thing I like to say a lot is wrestling is who I am. And fighting is what I do. So like, uh, the, the, the person that I am in, in my soul, in my heart and my brain, you know, that, that’s all from wrestling and the things I’ve learned. Um, but from a physical standpoint, I mean the sport teaches you just how to handle yourself, heal your body, how to move left and right and get up, get down. You know, things that I take for granted. And then when I watch other people do it, I’m like, Whoa, they were not a wrestler. Where are they?

That’s interesting. So let me ask you a kind of a general question here, but I think it, it, it can be applied in a lot of areas of your life, of people’s lives. What’s one thing you know now? How old are you now? 35 you have three? Okay. Yeah, we’re the same age. Oh yeah. Do you graduate in 99, right? Yup. Same here, man. That’s funny. Um, what’s one thing you know now that you wish you would’ve known as a UFC fighter? Like one thing you think you would have helped you out, whether it’s physically, emotionally, nutritionally, anything. Well,

you know, when I got released from the UFC in, uh, like a year and four months ago maybe, and in that time, you know, for much of my career I, like I said, I’m a wrestler, so I got a lot of flack because people generally say that wrestlers are boring fighters. So, you know, I, I really took that personally and I allowed that to change me as a fighter. I allowed that to make me think in my head, okay, I’m going to be a standup fighter now. I’m going to be a standup fighter now. When, when I should have been thinking, okay, let’s become a better ground fighter. Let’s start finishing fights rather than winning decisions. So the thing I would say to me is, is Charlie don’t, don’t, don’t try to become a standup fighter. I would say focused on what you’re best at and build on that build on that asset. I don’t know if you’re a fan of you ever listened to Gary Vaynerchuk, um, but he’s a super, super dude in general, but you know, that’s what he always stresses is, you know, screw your weaknesses and focus on what you’re best at. And that’s what I wish I would have done the last, you know, the last year of the UFC

interestingly man. Yeah, cause I, you, you see that, you know, watching a UFC fight, people will boot. There’s no big knockouts or no submissions. People, you know, yeah. Like they say GSP was a boring fighter cause he would win by decision with the timing, but he’s one of the greatest fighters to go in the UFC. And so I, that’s a great lesson to learn. You, you, so many of us are influenced by the opinions of others and we feel we need to change so we can be accepted or be exciting. Uh, but if you just stick to who you are a man, that’s, that’s the best way to do it. That’s a great life. Lesson in my, in my opinion. So thanks for, thanks for sharing that man. Pleasure. So what are some, uh, obstacles you’ve, you’ve had overcome? I know that you had a, didn’t you have a broken orbital bone at one point in time? And how was, how was that? Maybe talk about that or some other obstacles that you had to super hard for you to

tick out of one that this would be the second time I’ve ever said it in public. Uh, but the, the first was the orbital socket. So when I was, when I had moved to Eastern PA and I was training with Frankie, uh, another one of his friends Kristala, uh, who was also in the UFC, I would drive, I would drive the South juries. So I would drive two and a half hours to train with these guys and then hop in my car and drive right home. So I did that for seven or eight years like that. That was my life. But one time, uh, it was in may and I had a fight the next week, but me, Chris and Frankie were sparring and it was the last hard session and it was like a hundred degrees in the gym and it’s just the three of us and we’re going balls to the wall and you know, I trusted them, you know, so they weren’t trying to knock me out and they were much better than I was at that point.

And uh, so Chris throws around kick a head kick and I kind of flinched, no, cause I was kind of new to the game and I flinched and I like kinda lean back and he pulled the kick, meaning he let off some of the power and his toes lit right in my eye socket and it smashed. And I, I fell to my knees and I felt the most intense pain and I, my eyes were wide open, but I couldn’t see a thing out of my left eye. And I was on my hit. Terrible man. I threw my gloves off and I like how both eyes wide open but couldn’t see. And then I saw from my right, I saw blood squirting. I was like, Oh my God, I think he kicked my eyeball out of my head. So I remember reaching my hands up. I’m doing it now, sitting here. I remember reaching my hands up to my eyeballs thinking, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God. And then I touched it and I was like, Oh, I have it. But then I was like, well, what the heck is wrong here? What’s going on? And uh, but yeah, I had ended up fracturing blowout fracture, my eye socket and uh,

took me to a Newark, New Jersey and you know, had to rest for awhile, go back home and come back at surgery, had double vision for quite a while. And you know, thankfully it all worked out. And uh, you know, I have two eyeballs that I see out of both. Oh, that’s crazy. That’s crazy. What was the other one you’re going to share? So, and again, I write about this in my book, so that’s why I can talk about it now. But, uh, almost four years ago, four years ago, in three days, I actually had a stroke. Um, I woke up one morning and I, I, I was living with my roommate in Jersey and I,


Went to the bathroom and, uh, you know, I went to go from the toilet to wash my hands and I turned and all of a sudden it just, the room started spinning at like a hundred miles per hour. And honestly, honestly, it was probably five seconds later I looked down and my sweat pants, which were gray, were soaked through with sweat and I was dripping sweat terribly. Um, I couldn’t stay in, so I thought out under the ground and the world was just spinning and spinning and spinning. And uh,


I called my roommate who thankfully was home and uh, she came over and I remember I said to her, I said, Jackie, my tongue is going numb and, and then fast forward a little bit of time and we, we, I crawled slash she pulled me over to the guest room and I remember thinking the weirdest thing. So she was going to call an ambulance. And I was like, no, don’t, I feel like sometimes the ambulance ride is not covered by insurance. So I was worried about that. It’s 7,700 bucks for an ambulance when I could be dying. Uh, so I ended up laying there for a good four days because I couldn’t open my eyes or I’d throw up. Like literally if I opened my eyes, I would throw up. And, uh, towards the end of the week I was able to slowly get out of bed and then fast forward a couple of days I still felt off.

And, uh, so I would tell my, I was like, I don’t feel right. I don’t feel right. And they’re like, Oh, you’re okay. You’re okay. You’re okay. And I was like, no. I was like, no, I am not. Okay. So I went to MRI and they saw Mark on my, on my scan, and then I had to go through a bunch of tests, but they determined that I had had a stroke and, uh, through all the tests and they weren’t able to explain why it happened. And, uh, you know, the, my, my fighting career at that time, it was like, what the heck’s going on? And, and so I was, uh, you know, that was a rough thing to go through. I thought, you know, I’m, I’m 23, I was 29 at the time that I was 29 or 30 at the time. And, uh, I had a stroke and I was like, what is this?

Like I was embarrassed. I didn’t want to have to say that, but I did. And it’s a part of my life and my story and got through it, thank God. And on the other side to talk about it. So yeah, that’s super interesting. First of all, I’m like, I’m, I’m glad that you’re okay now, but uh, and thanks for talking about that. Like, so the doctors don’t know why that happened. And I still to this day was they don’t know if it was stress related or you know, they, uh, the reason I was able to continue fighting and I got clearance from two different neurologists, um, they said it had nothing to do with trauma and we, we don’t link it to that. Um, I forget the word that they used, but it meant whatever word they used meant that we don’t know the cause of it.

I got blood work, I got MRIs. MRAs I got, uh, uh, heart, you know, every heart exam, everything. So, and you’re perfectly healthy now. Fingers crossed. Yeah. So what did that teach you? Did you kind of take your health a little bit more seriously at that point in time? Like, okay, I need to be careful. Like I had a stroke at 30 years old, you know, I don’t want to die before I’m 40. D what, what changes has that made on you over the years? Yeah, it, you know, it, uh, first of all, for a long time, I want to say two or three years, I was paranoid about everything. Like everything. And my wife picked out, my girlfriend will be like, Charlie stop. And I’m like, no, no, no, but I have a bump here. Look, feel that bump. You feel that bump. What do you think?

It was terrible man. I would like, I would take all these like self balance tests. I’d be like, am I dizzy right now? Am I dizzy? No, I’m not dizzy. Well I think I would talk myself into everyday. Um, but I hit a point where I thought, all right, Charlie, get over. It happened. You know, it life insurance is now a lot more expensive, but whatever you’re living. But uh, yeah, it thought, it taught me the opposite. Like to live right live, cause you don’t know what it’s going to happen. So just live, you know, that’s, that’s what I eventually walked away with it. That’s crazy. So that’s scary. So which one of those two was, was harder for you to overcome from a physical standpoint? Like the recovery period? I’m assuming the stroke, like the recovery period for that was just rest and kind of take some time off

for a little bit. What about the orbital bone?

You know what? Neither of them. Yeah. I mean the, neither of them were really that intense recovery because the, the eye socket, I mean my doctor, it was like six weeks afterwards that I was proposed to fight and I talked to him and he said, well you know, it’s not a hundred percent ideal, but yeah, if you want to fight LA fight. I was like, okay, I didn’t, I didn’t.

Gotcha. Well yeah, I guess the reason I ask is cause I have a lot of followers who, you know, their focus is health and weight loss and things like that and they’ll reach out to me and be like, you know what, I got an injury. And it wasn’t so much the physical trauma that they went through, but it was more so the emotional like, you know, I am not able to exercise, I’m not able to work out. And it like, it affects them on an emotional level and a lot of them let themselves go and they’re like, you know what, I’m just depressed. I’m going to live this way until I can get back. But then after that, it’s too late. But it sounds like you didn’t have to go through any of that, of that emotional toll of kind of being depressed or sad about your situation.

You know, I didn’t so much in the recovery phase, but both of those instances for a period I thought I wasn’t going to fight again. And that was, that was taken away my complete identity. Um, so to that, you know, with your, with what you were referring to with your list, there’s, it’s like focus, I say this to everyone I work with is control the controllables. So what can you do and whatever you can do, do it. So what I, when I fractured my eye socket, I couldn’t, I had, I couldn’t have any contact, but what I could do is I could do an elliptical or I could jump rope or I could do other, you know, a shadow box. So those are the things that I did when I had my stroke. It was kind of the same. At first, I couldn’t do anything, but then it was like, all right, you can walk, you can jog, you can run, you know, and I found a way to get that same exertion in a different way by doing the things that I was still able to do.

Yeah, no, that’s a great lesson. And that’s what I tell people. I’m like, look, even if you can’t exercise, like you broken your legs and your arms and you can’t move at all, what you can do is control what you eat. So focus on your nutrition, still eat clean. Uh, and you’ll come out of this a lot better. Your, your recovery will be a lot quicker cause there’ll be less inflammation in your body. And so I just, I try and tell people to focus on what you can control, like your nutrition. So that’s a great lesson, man. Thanks for kinda, um, talking about the same thing there. You

know, let me interject there. Also, my, uh, you know, obviously you’re, you’re super into fitness. Um, one of my friends from when I was living in New Jersey is Steve Weatherford. He’s the punter for the jet or for the giants. Oh yeah. Super, super fit. And I remember I texted him and I said, Hey Steve, I have a question. I said, what percentage of your physique is the result of working out? What percentage is a result of your diet? And he said something like, 90% is from my diet. So the power of your diet is, I mean, I don’t want to say it’s bigger, more important, but it’s certainly as important as the actual exercising part of it.

Yeah. No, and that’s true. I mean, I know who he is, man. He’s in great shape. And uh, yeah, he talks about nutrition and that’s the thing. Yeah. We try and get across to people is we, here’s the, and here’s the thing. A lot of athletes, former athletes think, you know, I can, I can work out all day. I can do wrestling, can do football. But when it comes to the nutritional part, you know, I know younger years we could get away with eating whatever we wanted to and you know, exercising it off. But nowadays, like once the athlete has been taken out of the sport and they’re not working out like an athlete, they still continue to eat like an athlete. You know, they’re just feeling their body with all these calories that they’re not burning off. And so it’s, it’s a tough transition for a lot of athletes I’ve noticed into the real world. So that’s kind of a, another good segue man. We’re kind of on the same page here where I want to kind of transition it to where you’re at now. How do you balance, um, your family life with your, your health? How do you balance all that? And then how do you also be at a place where you’re content in your mind with not competing in the UFC and that void that you said was there after wrestling in college? Where are you at now? Are you emotionally like content with where you’re at?

You know, it’s, it’s extremely important. So one of the, you know, this isn’t necessarily my thing, but what I have learned is, you know, peace of mind is, is like the million is million a million dollars to me. Know, having peace of mind is, is the most important thing to me. So where I’m at right now, uh, I’m not re retired from fighting, but you know, as, as each day passes it seems less and less likely that I will fight. But, so I’ve, I’ve begun a speaking career, you know, and I work with a variety of people. I mean young people, old people, and I just kinda, I share my story and teach the lessons and the, in the guiding principles that I’ve acquired throughout, you know, a life that saw me leave a standard job and become number seven in the world, professional fighting, reality TV, an author, et cetera.

Um, but I’m very, very content with what I’m doing now. And it’s awesome to be able to help other people. So for as long as I can remember, you know, it’s been about me. I train, I fight, I go home, I rest, I trade. So now, I mean very similar to what you do. It’s like I’m helping and influencing directly other people. You know, I’ve always served as an inspiration to people, but now it’s like, no, I’m formally trying to help people and it, it’s, it’s a pretty awesome feeling. It’s something that I didn’t expect. You know, I worry that when I’m done fighting, man, what, what am I going to do? Who am I going to be? But now it’s like, Oh, this is awesome dude. It’s like I get the same satisfaction and I don’t get beat up. This is very, very cool.

Yeah. Well that’s, that’s a great point, man. I can kind of see how that can fill that void and provide happiness is when you’re in the service of others and that’s kind of what you’re doing now and it’s great. It’s a great feeling to take away from that selfish feeling of, man, I want to be at the top. I want to have that fame, that glory and I’ll miss that. But if you’re out there, you know, making other people happy and changing their lives, I mean, that is very fulfilling. I will say that. And it sounds like that’s what you’re doing. Um, how do you balance, I kind of asked like five questions I was to say. Yeah. So, uh, here you are, you have a daughter, right? Yep, yep. You’re your family guy. How do you, how do you bounce a healthy life now? Cause you, you teach coach you work out and how do you balance your family life with a healthy lifestyle? Is it possible to have the best of both worlds?

Yeah. Well, I mean, I’m going to try my darndest to have the best of both worlds. And it’s a, it’s a struggle and we’re figuring it out. You know, we’re w I’ve been married for almost three years, five 12, 12 years. And when he got married five, 12, 12, I remember. But, uh, you know, what’s helping us and worse, we’re certainly not, you know, earning an a in this department, but it’s just setting parameters, you know? Um, I don’t want to be, you know, a millionaire if being a millionaire means that I, I’m not completely happy with my wife and my family life. You know, that it’s, it’s important for me to strike that balance. So maybe I’ll only be a thousandaire, right? Not a millionaire, but I will have, you know, a great relationship with my wife and my family and my, my children.

Um, but it helps to set parameters. Um, you know, I, I’m essentially working, I work from home and you know, I, my computer on the table and my, this there, my, that over there. Uh, but it really helps to set parameters. And I know that when the wife gets home at three 30 from three 30 to seven, it’s off, everything’s off. And then from seven to nine, that’s my time to do what I need to do. But if, if, if I can’t focus and be present a hundred percent of the time when I’m with my wife and daughter, then you know, the crap hits the fan, so to say. Man, that is awesome.

No, that’s great. And that’s actually a great tweet. What you talked about, about the million dollars. Like, if I don’t want to be a millionaire, if that means I have to, you know, sacrifice family time and, uh, take away from the things that are really important. That’s great. Cause there’s so many people are in this hustle where they’re there, they’re hustling to build this wealth and they’re sacrificing their health to do so. But at the end of the day, is that what’s going to make them happier? No. So that’s a great lesson for people to learn to live in the moment, especially with those ones that they love. And with your stroke story, man, you don’t know what’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen. You know, life is too short to take things for granted and ticket. Uh, uh, you know. Yeah, definitely take things for granted.

So man, thank you so much for talking about that. Cause here’s the thing, I’m a family guy too. You know, I’m the dad of two daughters and, and um, I definitely try and show people you can balance a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t mean you need to go to the gym for two or three hours a day and leave you leave your family behind. But a lot of people beat themselves up, I think because they, they think it’s selfish if they take away from their family time to go work out or to meal prep. But what I try and say to people is, is you’re a better dad or you’re a better employee or you’re a better spouse if you take care of your health first because your health transitions into your emotional wellbeing. And so you’re not as grumpy, you’re not as moody. Um, your hormones aren’t all jacked up. If you take care of your health first, you’re a better dad, a better spouse. If you take care of your health and there you can have the best of both worlds and you’re a great, you’re a great example of that man. So thanks for, for discussing that. What, um, before we close here, uh, Spaniard,

what are, I don’t want to close, drew. Let’s just keep talking. We got, we got time and I’m hoping you have a few answers for me here. Uh, what are some daily habits

or routines that you stick to that make a difference in your life nowadays?

Um, I was gonna actually say this a minute ago whenever you were talking, but I get up very early and I was going to say that to people, you know, if you think you don’t have enough time, if you think that you, what are you, you just can’t, I just can’t man. I can’t get my workout in cause I have, I have two meetings today and then after the meeting I take my kid to practice and then I got to come home. It’s like, okay, well, you know the rock, the rock gets up at four 19 in the morning. Right? So unless you’re getting up at four 19 in the morning, I’d say there is time, you know? Um, but I get up very early in the morning and my very early, anywhere from four 30 to five 30. And I, uh, I generally come downstairs and I hear so many people saying how it’s so beneficial to drink water right away.

So I just got in the habit of just drinking glass of water. Um, but then what I, my, my real stuff that I consider is, uh, I read for 30 minutes every morning at least 30 minutes and I, I journal, um, I use a five minute journal and I, I generally read, you know, growth oriented stuff. I just read, read Mark Divine’s book, unbeatable mind and I’m reading a mindset by Carol Dweck. So I read that type of book. And then, um, aside from those two things to get my day started correctly, um, fitness is always, it’s like if I have fitness and I have family and I have growth growth as in like stressing myself during the day, then that means I have a great day. Uh, if I don’t, then I’m probably sitting on the couch feeling guilty.

Those are great habits, routines to have. Have you always had those habits where you wake up, drink water, and read a book for 30 minutes or is that kind of been your routine now that you’re a family man? Like when did you pick that up?

Yeah. Within the last two, three years probably. The reading is something I’ve always been always been a reader. Actually. You know what started me reading is the DaVinci code dude, the DaVinci code, angels and demons. If you have anyone, if you haven’t read them, read them. They’re the most amazing books I’ve ever read in my life. Um, but that got me started reading and then yeah, I’ve been a reader, but starting to do it in the morning, it’s probably within the last two years when I’ve, you know, ever since I got knocked out, uh, we were talking about that, that really set me on a course of, of personal development and trying to stretch myself. So, so the last two years mainly for that. No, that’s cool man. And then what are your, what are your workouts look like now versus when you were a UFC fighter and are you just working out once a day for 30 minutes, 45 minutes.

What is your workout routine now? I would say my workouts are, or between, I don’t know, 30th if I just do like an interval run 30 minutes. And then if I do a lift, normally an hour, but I like to incorporate. So a couple couple key things into my workout. So one, I love intervals. So almost especially with it when I run, I do intervals. Um, you know, I’ll go for a 30 minute run and I’ll maybe do 15, 15 minutes at eight minute pace, but then the last 15 minutes are sprint to that telephone pole, jog to the next one, sprint to that tree, jog to the next one. I just, I love that feeling. It makes me feel alive and it makes me feel challenged. Um, I love, uh, you know, functional training, doing different stuff, you know, to put a simple way, different stuff.

Um, you know, slams and med balls and bags and pull ups and push ups and, uh, and then I just love, uh, always pushing my mental toughness. So any, you know, I do a lot of circuits, a lot of, uh, yeah, circuits, intervals and a functional training that, that, that’s really what makes up my like training regime. And how, and how often as a UFC fighter preparing for a fight, how many hours a day we work now. Just curious. You know what, for me personally, hours in a day it would fluctuate, but I would say anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours. Oh really? That’s the prepping for a fight even. Yeah. Because here’s the deal, what we do. So my 30 minutes, that’s like the worst workout, toughest workout. I have anyone out there, drew, I’d recommend you can try to put the treadmill on 10% incline and 10 miles per hour.

Oh my gosh. And do the 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off and do three, five minute rounds of that with a minute in between. Oh, it’s hard to just, yeah, it’s miserable dude. Um, but then yeah, you know, so I would wake up in the morning and maybe do a strength conditioning for 45 minutes to an hour and then later that day, either do sparring or do a Mitt work. And that’s only an hour, hour and a half. So it’s guys who tell you that they train eight hours a day either. I just was so wrong. I’ve never met those guys because everyone I trained with has not trained that much. Yeah, no, I think the philosophy nowadays in mind is, you know, uh, training smarter not longer. Like you don’t, you don’t need to do it if you’re doing it smart, like those intervals. I mean, that’s the smart way of doing it. Instead of just jogging for 60 minutes, you can burn more

calories, get more benefit from a 20 minute interval training. So, um, what’s your go to breakfast? Like what are you a routine guy? You have the same thing every morning. What are your breakfast look like?

You know what I’m like, maybe you can help me here. I’m terrible with breakfast. Honestly, drew, I would go for them. This is what I used to do. I used to wake up in the morning, have a glass of tea and when I say tea, I mean a lot of sugar and milk with a teabag that used that used to be, but I’ve gotten off sugar this year. That was a big thing that I tried to do and that I would get two workouts in and then eat two balls in the wall workouts and then eat for the first time at two o’clock in the afternoon. Oh wow. For me and for anyone else out there, what’s a good simple breakfast that I could start eating that is easy to prepare, easy to form a habit but also beneficial.

I got the perfect thing for you man. And people, a lot of people know this, this recipe, cause I gave it to dr Oz when I was on his show and I gave it to Whoopi Goldberg when I was on the view. Uh, it’s called my spinach shake recipe man. Super famous recipe and super simple. It tastes good. It looks gross cause it’s green, but you don’t taste the spinach. So what it is, and I’ll get the recipe right here. It’s three cups of spinach, one half banana, one tablespoon of peanut butter and one scoop of vanilla whey protein. About two thirds cup of unsweetened almond milk. And then like two to three cups of ice, put it in a blender, blended up, you’ve got your fats, proteins, carbs, and it tastes delicious. And it’s super simple. And that is probably my go to breakfast. Super easy to make. So many people just switch out their normal breakfast of bagels or waffles or whatever they eat in the morning, switch it out for the spinach shake. You get a lot of nutrients as well with the spinach because most people don’t eat three cups of spinach. You know,

I’m going to text you after this too, to up that recipe again. And when I was talking with dr Oz and when I was talking with, uh, was it just to my friends, we were just chilling out.

Yeah. You know, we’re just hanging out, like having spinet shakes on the beach. Oh, just kidding. Now that, that was back in the day when I, you know, fit to fat to fit, I had no, I had no connections to those people. I had no, no media connections. I had no idea this would turn into a book or a brand or a podcast. You know, I just kinda ran with it. I’m like, this is a crazy idea, but I think it will benefit me. And then before, you know, everyone’s calling, come on the TV show, you know, so it takes a little bit of craziness sometimes to get people’s attention and wake people up. So I have no regrets doing what it did, even though it was kinda crazy man. Yup. Yup. That’s awesome. Okay, so I have a four year Spaniard, some lightning round questions, which are kind of funny, kind of quick, you know, and a really fun part of my podcast. If you listen to the one with rich Franklin, you know, you’re familiar with this part of it. Um, okay. First question for you, man, would you ever do fit to fat to fit? Do you think you could do something like this?

Wow. For free or for a lot of money?

Well, that’s okay that, that changes it. Uh, let’s say for free first and then for money, how much would it cost?

Wow. Um, I’m not sure if I was all in like you. Yeah, but no, as, as the Spaniard, no, I could not do it. Uh, how much money? I don’t need much man. I just need enough to get by. So good. I couldn’t beat in salary to pay for the food. At least you know, without doubt.

That’s funny. No man. Most people like rich Franklin, he said no, of course. Most people say no because I mean here’s the thing, it is a TV show. Now there are other people doing this but at the same time, man, you like you’re, I think you’re similar to me cause I was a wrestler. Like we love food. We could eat food, but then after a month of it you get sick of it, you get sick of it and you’re like, Oh I don’t know if I could go this long for six months with no exercise. That’s the other thing is you can’t exercise. So it gets hard man. So I don’t blame you for not wanting to do it, but Hey, if you do want to try out for season two, you know, they are casting for season,

I think I’ll politely decline.

Okay. Next question. And this one’s kind of funny, but, uh, you know, could you take Conor McGregor?

Yes, I could. And I’ll fight them this week if a date.

Great. So a kind of a side question. You said Frank Jaeger could have taken this fight.

Well, he, he did. So they, I guess they approached him, but I guess he tore his groin. Uh, but now there’s a bunch of, he’s all, he’s, he’s pretty infuriated because the UFC is making it sound like he turned down the fight just cause he didn’t want the fight. Uh, but he’s injured. Correct. But he’s seriously injured. So that’s good that we’re getting that out there on the

podcasts for people to know, you know, so because man, I would love to see that fight. I would love to see for a gig or I wasn’t excited for, um, uh, dammit. What’s his name? Um, shoot. Yeah, Daniels. Uh, that broke his foot. Man, I thought he would

great matchup. So I want to say also to, to kind of plug these two guys, Frankie Edgar and Eddie Alvarez are too, if you like them out there, if you’re a fan of them, they’re as cool as you would hope that they are. They’re such awesome guys and have helped me tremendously in my, my life and my career. Uh, you know, I can’t, can’t stress that enough that those two guys are just two stand up guys.

Well no and I appreciate you saying that cause I, I know Frank Baker is a cool guy. He’s humble. I hated him for a little bit cause that was a huge BJ Penn because he was so good and I, you know, me being Hawaiian and BJ Penn is from this Island. I actually saw him out here in Kona one day, but I didn’t have the balls to go up and talk to him cause he was with his family. But I was such a big BJ Penn fan. But he’s got my respect now man. And he’s such a humble guy, I can tell. So it’s good to hear that on the inside, you know, you got the inside scoop. What, who’s one fighter?

You’d never fight in the UFC that you’re just like, no way, man, that guy’s crazy or too scary. You know, there’s not many people I’m afraid of. You’ll have fought, fought Johnny Hendricks, but there’s one kid and you’re not gonna know his name. But I would, I would advise everyone to look them up. So there’s only one person I’ve ever said that I would not want to fight and that the kid’s name is Adlon AMAA golf. So he fought the UFC a couple of times, but so, you know, it could be neuroma, go meadow, it could be, okay. So there’s, there’s this salute, this onslaught of Russians coming, coming into mixed martial arts and they are all lethal. And, but there was one of them who literally was like the first Russian to come over to America because my, my coach over in Jersey facilitated it.

So thanks coach for bringing all these stuff. Anyhow, this kid used to train with us, drew, and he would, he didn’t speak any English and I would like signal, like don’t kick my head. And he’d smile and say, okay, okay. And then he kicked my head. Don’t get mad. This kid was the most lethal kid ever. If you, if you Google his name, just type in add lawn, UFC, a D, L, a N, UFC. It’ll come up. He’s got the craziest kicks. Punches. They call him, uh, uh, the Wolf because if he comes from the caucus mountains over in Russia and uh, his people are people at the wolves and I loved the Wolf man. He is lethal and I would never want to fight him. He looks, he looks scary. Just Google the picture of man. He does look scary. But the thing is, man, they’re all so nice.

They’re all like smile at you and they just destroy you. Okay. What’s your, um, what’s your favorite cheat meal? What’s your favorite guilty pleasure food and I love chicken wings, pizza and Pepsi. Those are like Pepsi guy, huh? Oh my gosh. It’s, I had to, I have to live with myself, man. I drank it one day a week now because if I, if I let the floodgates open, I’ll drink 32 ounces a day. Oh man, that’s crazy. So how often do you eat those? You said once a week with the Pepsi. What about the pizza then? Tried to do that as well. You know, talking nutrition, I’ve, I’ve kinda limited limited it to just one day a week where I’ll, I don’t want to say it’s an unnecessary cheat day, but you know, if I want to have a crappy, be able to have a crappy meal, but I try to limit that to once a week.

Okay. What’s been your most embarrassing moment, uh, in the UFC or wrestling growing up? Some of that stands out, the first thing that comes to your mind? Uh, well, getting knocked out a live TV is terrible. Uh, so that was pretty bad. But when I was a kid, when I was a, was I 12 years old, I was at junior Olympic wrestling States. I was in the semis and my dad, like prior to the semifinals, this was my first like possibility of winning a state title and my dad couldn’t find me. And finally when he did find me, I was up at the snack bar. Right. So then I went in the middle of the middle of the, the arena wrestling and all of a sudden I liked to keep trying to call a time out. My dad’s saying, no, no, no. Get in there.

Get it. You know, too, you’re tough. You’re tough. So after the third time I threw up in here, I had eaten a super slim one of those like 16 inch slim Jims. Yeah. Threw it up all over the mat in the middle of the wrestling tournament. So that was pretty embarrassing. Oh man. That is funny, man. Yeah, there’s always some crazy wrestling stories. That’s, I knew there was going to be something there. Um, what’s one thing you can’t live without? Uh, besides like your family and house and car and things like that? What’s one thing that you’re kind of like addicted to that you have to have and whether it doesn’t have to be food, but just one thing you can’t live without. That’s a good one, man. You took away everything that I lived here about. I mean I’m a, I’m a technology guy, dude.

I, I’m addicted to my phone and my computer. Okay. I think we all are, but yeah, I hear you. For me, I’ll just kind of get it from me. I can’t live without chapstick. Like I have to have chapstick after I brush my teeth. I hate the feeling of, I got some along those lines. Dental floss. Ooh, so you’re, yeah, I have a very weird, my grandma noticed dude, my grandma was like, you really take care of your teeth a lot. I was like, how do you know that? I see once every like three months and she’s, and that was enough for her to know that I’m kind of evacuated with like teeth. That is funny. That’s a good, that’s something, a good habit to have at least, you know. First the opposite. Okay, last question, man. Predictions. Do you think Diaz has a chance?

No, I don’t. I think he was, he was probably doing what the Diaz is do the last several weeks or months or whatever. And I think McGregor is like this, this, this type of mental, I don’t even know what you call it, but he has got it. And I’m a fan of him, but know he’s brash and he’s arrogant, but he backs it up and I love it. He does. And yeah, I kinda like, I’m kinda with you on that one. I just don’t see Diaz having a chance as far as like his quality of a fighter because didn’t he fight a dos Anjos like a while ago and he got beat up pretty good. Josh Dodson beat him up pretty good. Yeah. So, alright man. We’ll spend your man, I was such a pleasure. I know you have a cold, so I hope you, I hope you get better.

I’m really quick before we go though, where can people find you, find your book, uh, learn more about, um, hiring you as a speaker, all that social media, all of that. Absolutely. Everything is hosted on my website, [inaudible] dot com uh, if you have a tough time, spell my name, just type in Spaniard, UFC and it’ll come up. But yeah, I wrote my book. My book is, it Chronicles my journey from the day that I said, Hey, I think I don’t want to be a teacher anymore. I think I want to be a professional fighter. Uh, I’ve gotten great reviews on Amazon, check it out. And uh, yeah, I mean they’re, all my links are there and you know, I encourage you to, to support the old Spaniard and enjoy yourself a nice read. Yeah. And where, uh, on social media are you and what’s your handles? Yup. Spaniard, MMA, Spaniard, MMA on, uh, everything except, uh, Instagram. I’m MMA Spaniard, so I’m trying to get that name. It’s someone

take it. No, I mean it says someone took it. Well, now everyone’s going to take it just to tick you off. No, it says it’s taken, but it’s not taken. So I don’t know what the problem, if anyone out there has a friend who works at Instagram, can you please tell them to call me? Yeah, I hate having to change it up. Switch, switch it for just one social media. Yeah. Okay. You got to worry about it. Well, for now, now that other people are doing fit and pet to fit on TV, you know, people might try and take it, but luckily I got mine. It’s, it’s, it’s there consistently across all social media platforms. But spend your hope you get better man. Please stay in touch with me. Seriously man. And if I’m ever out there in Pennsylvania or if we ever feel the need to take a vacation out here to Hawaii, absolutely.

You let me know man. And uh, I’d love to stay in touch. I appreciate it man. And also I want to give a shout out to you. I really enjoy your, your social media. You know, I follow you on Twitter and I love how you handle, you know, you get a lot of different people feeling different ways about what you do, but I think you always take a really good stance in how you handle it. So thanks man. I appreciate that. And I didn’t know anyone notice that. You know, I try and treat people respectfully cause I know they’re not going to agree with me sometimes, but yeah, I try and handle it professionally so thanks. I’m glad someone appreciates it. All right man. We’ll talk to you soon. Bye. Drew


Thank you guys once again for listening to the fit to perfect fit experience podcast. If you liked today’s episode and the other episodes you’ve listened to, please go to iTunes, subscribe to our podcast, leave us a review. If you like it, please leave us a five star review of course and tell us why you like it and how it’s changed your life. Please recommend to family and friends if you like certain episodes. If you guys have suggestions or guests you want us to bring on, please reach out to us. My social media handles are all at fit to fat to fit with the number two so it’s fit number two. Fat number two fit. Lynn’s social media handles are at to fit at home the number to fit a T. H. O M E and we’re both on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and my website is fit to fat to fit.com. If you want to sign up for the newsletter to stay in the know about these podcasts and lenses to fit@home.com and she has a newsletter as well. Uh, please, we’d love to hear from you guys. We get back to everybody, uh, whether it’s on social media or email. We love and appreciate you guys for supporting the podcast. We definitely want to keep this going longterm, so please continue to listen in. We’ll see you guys back here next week for another great episode on the fit effect of fit experience podcast.

So you guys have a good one.

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