💙 This is the hardest podcast I’ve ever had to record. No intro. No ads. Just me, a microphone, and a raw conversation about where I’m at, what’s next, and why Fit2Fat2Fit as you know it is coming to an end.


For the past 14 years, this journey has been my life. From the moment my story went viral in 2011, to launching books, TV shows, programs, and retreats—it’s been an incredible ride. But behind the success, there’s been struggle.


The truth? I’ve been trying to hold this business together for the past four years. Post-pandemic, I let go of my entire team and tried to run everything alone—while prioritizing the most important role of my life: being a dad.


Now, I’m making one of the biggest pivots of my life. I’m stepping back from Fit2Fat2Fit to go back to school and earn my Master’s in Psychology. My goal? To move from the physical health world into mental health—bringing everything I’ve learned to help people on a deeper level.


This isn’t goodbye, but it is a shift. I’ll still be here, just in a different way. And I want to take you along for this next chapter.


🔹 Timestamps:

(00:00) – No intro. No ads. Just the truth.

(02:20) – The moment Fit2Fat2Fit went viral

(08:45) – The highs and lows of building this brand

(12:30) – The hardest decision I’ve had to make

(16:40) – Why I’m pivoting into mental health

(22:10) – The lessons I’ve learned from struggle

(28:50) – What’s next for me & how to stay connected


🔹 Resources & Books Mentioned in This Episode:

📖 The Four Agreements – Don Miguel Ruiz

📖 Ego is the Enemy – Ryan Holiday

📖 Atomic Habits – James Clear

📖 Awareness – Anthony de Mello

📖 The Obstacle is the Way – Ryan Holiday

📖 Can’t Hurt Me – David Goggins


🔹 Want to Follow My Next Chapter?

👉 Instagram: @fit2fat2fit

👉 Website: fit2fat2fit.com

👉 Sign up for updates: [Coming soon]


If this episode resonated with you, please share it. If you’re going through a major life transition, just know—you’re not alone. Much love & much aloha. 🌊💙

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